
Insulin & The Missing Link In Chronic Disease

Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body’s cells become resistant to the hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas and helps to regulate blood sugar levels. When the body becomes insulin resistant, it can no longer effectively use insulin to move glucose into cells for energy, leading to high blood sugar levels.… Continue reading Insulin & The Missing Link In Chronic Disease

Why you should not count calories

Don’t you agree counting calories is a headache? When it comes to weight loss, people always talk about the ‘calories in and calories out’ approach. I used to advise my patient the same thing since that is what in the nutrition guidelines.  Some belief in ‘All calories are created equal’ and all you have to… Continue reading Why you should not count calories

Intermittent Fasting bantu bakar lemak & kawal gula

Intermittent fasting (IF) adalah salah satu cara paling efektif dan popular, membantu menurunkan berat badan dan merawat diabetes. Berpuasa di ‘prescribe’ oleh Tuhan. Ia diamalkan oleh manusia dah berkurun-kurun lamanya dan terbukti memberikan banyak manfaat kesihatan. Instead of using medicine, rather, fast a day                                             – Plutarch Apa jadi pada badan kita semasa kita berpuasa.… Continue reading Intermittent Fasting bantu bakar lemak & kawal gula


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